Colour and Symbols in Indian Clothes

For my last post i would like to hi light about the colour and symbol in India Traditional Clothes. Basically in Indian traditional clothes there so many symbols for their own Traditional clothes that i have mention earlier. 
But as for this post i only steers more about the colour and symbols of their Traditonal clothes called saree,

1 comment:

  1. HI I read your article with interest because i have thought about it as well. Delhi culture is to dress up even if you go to a neighbourhood market. Bombay is alot more casual. Chennai is disastrous.While working in Chennai, we went to a pub in a 3 star hotel, called Bikers Club, i was shocked to find that everyone there was wearing shirt and dhotis.We had girls in pur group and did not spend a minute there. I pubs in Delhi allow everyone to come in wearing whatever they want to, can you imagine what will happen to the ambience?
    Also in office, sometime back, the HR decided they will give more freedom to people to dress the way they feel comfortable. Yu cant imagine to the extent people took the liberty to. People were walking in wearing unpressed kurtas and jeans and chappals. It was affecting the attitude at work place as well. We are back to strick office formals 4 days a week and business casuals on Fridays.
    Given the social immaturity in our society i think the rules we have make sense. For those who are more culturally aware, we pay a price.
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